Great News Here!
What a great week we have had here at Herefordshire Hampers!
I cannot possibly blog this week without mentioning the football – Woo Hoo…It’s coming home!!! Mind you – it wasn’t easy to watch, to say my nerves were frayed is an understatement! But, what an achievement – the first time to be in a final since 1966.
As if that wasn’t exciting enough, we then had the absolute best news…we got a ‘YES’ from Not On The High Street – which is great news for us. We are really excited as they handpick all their partners and are a really great platform for us, so we can’t wait to get started. We will be selling a mixture of our range on there as well as here on our website of course. From our cardboard hinge lid cider and perry box through to our full indulgence luxury wicker hampers. There really will be something for everyone.
Embroidered Lining
We have also had a new delivery of embroidered hampers with our logo which we think looks great – what do you think?

For corporate orders we are able to embroider your company logo instead. The luxury hamper with all the luxury produce is not only a great gift but your name will be seen every time the hamper is used. Get in touch by email or call and we can tell you more about exactly what we can do for you, as we have other personalised options.
Over the next few weeks, I will be blogging about our suppliers – so keep checking in for more news.
And now the sun is shining too….all in all..a fantastic week. So all that’s left to say is ‘Good luck to the England team for Sunday night’ – It’s coming Home….Come on England!!!!!!!